Doom 2019 e1m1 secrets
Doom 2019 e1m1 secrets

With great care, it is possible to pick up the key without triggering the trap. Taking the red key opens a trap in the southeast wall of the room ( L), revealing additional monsters and health pickups. Crossing to the powerups will cause the pillars to lower. This brings you to an outdoor area containing three tall pillars with Imps on top, as well as a medikit and a green armor. In the room east of the central courtyard, the brightly lit area along the east wall is really a lift ( K). On HMP and higher the player must fight a large number of demons with no reward (ammo or health) afterward, so the weapon acquisition must be weighed against the drain on the player's other resources. When you step onto the red star, however, a pack of monsters will begin teleporting into the room. To the north of the yellow key room is a room containing a rocket launcher ( J).

doom 2019 e1m1 secrets

Alternatively, as soon as you have killed the zombies emerging from the south staircase, run down that staircase and get the chaingun (see secret #1 below). Stay as far away from the courtyard as possible until you kill a sergeant very close to the short corridor, then grab his shotgun. If you are starting this level from scratch, the sergeants in the central courtyard (four on Hurt me plenty, eight on Ultra-Violence and Nightmare!) may cause you a lot of trouble. Cross the bridge and activate the exit switch. You will now see a wide bridge across the canal. Follow it to a lift ( I), and go through the hidden door at the top of the lift. Click the switch, then enter the passage. When you step onto the platform, a passage will open behind you ( H). Jump into the canal and follow it around (in either direction) to a platform ( G) with a green switch and an imp. Behind the blue door is the exit room the exit switch is visible across a nukage canal, but inaccessible ( F). Get the blue key, then return to the central courtyard and go down the stairs to the north. This raises the "box" pillar in the previous room to reveal the blue key ( E). Shoot the barrels from a safe distance and press the switch. Cross to the far wall of that room and turn left you should see a switch behind a row of barrels ( D). Leave the room through the other yellow door, continue west through a room with a large "box" pillar surrounded by four torches, and go down the stairs and through the red door. Turn right, open the yellow door, and pick up the red key ( C). Return to the courtyard and go down the stairs to the east. Go down the stairs to the west and get the yellow key behind the fence ( B). You begin in a short corridor at the end of this corridor is a large courtyard ( A) containing imps in a cage. Sector numbers in boldface are secrets which count toward the end-of-level tally. Letters in italics refer to marked spots on the map.

Doom 2019 e1m1 secrets